Q Fever Vaccinations
Cowra Medical Centre runs monthly Q Fever clinics on Tuesdays at 2pm.
You MUST have an appointment prior to attending these clinics.
There are 2 visits required to complete the vaccination process.
The cost of the vaccination is at present NOT covered by Medicare. The cost for the first visit is $95 and the second visit is between $50 - $175 (cost for second visit is variable depending on whether you receive the vaccination or not.).
Monthly Skin Clinics
Cowra Medical Centre runs monthly skin clinics to highlight the importance of good skin care.
You MUST have an appointment prior to attending these clinics.
These clinics are performed by senior doctors (Dr Date & Dr Richmond) on a Rotational Roster within the practice.
The cost of these clinics are NOT automatically bulk billed, please speak with reception staff about the costs applicable for the doctor allocated to your clinic.
Patients requiring excisions of skin lesions will be booked, with the Doctor that was in attendance for their skin clinic, in an excision clinic 1-2 weeks following the skin clinic to have these attended to.

. The Australian Cancer Council provides the following information which best outlines skin cancer:
Skin cancer occurs when skin cells are damaged, for example, by overexposure to UV radiation from the sun.
There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma – the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are known as non-melanoma skin cancer.
Approximately, two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70, with more than 750,000 people treated for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers in Australia each year. Non-melanoma skin cancer is more common in men, with almost double the incidence compared to women.
Excluding non-melanoma skin cancer,* melanoma is the third most common cancer in Australians. In 2014, 13,134 Australians were diagnosed with melanoma.
Every year, in Australia:
skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers
the majority of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun
GPs have over 1 million patient consultations per year for skin cancer
the incidence of skin cancer is one of the highest in the world, two to three times the rates in Canada, the US and the UK.
In 2015, 2162 people died from skin cancer in Australia, 1520 from melanoma and 642 from non-melanoma skin cancers.
Protect your skin!
For best protection, when the UV level is 3 or above, we recommend a combination of sun protection measures:
Slip on some sun-protective clothing – that covers as much skin as possible
Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Put on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards.
Slap on a hat – that protects your face, head, neck and ears
Seek shade
Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian standards.
Be extra cautious in the middle of the day when UV levels are most intense
Patients wishing to find more information can visit https://www.cancer.org.au/