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Test Results

Unless advised to do otherwise by your Doctor, patient's may phone for test results between 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday – Friday to follow up. Instructions relating to your result may be conveyed to you by other team members by telephone, email, SMS after the result has been checked by your GP. If the GP needs to see you will be contacted to make an appointment by our receptionist.

PLEASE NOTE: As our reception staff are not medically trained, we are not able to read out the content of your results unless your doctor has provided specific details or instructions pertaining to your result. Please make an appointment with your GP if you wish to discuss your results further.

Most tests take at least 2 - 3 working days before the result is available, after which time the result must be reviewed by the Doctor. Some results (e.g. papsmears, biopsies) may take as long as 7-10 days before they are available. It may be necessary for your doctor to discuss your results within a consultation. 

PLEASE NOTE: The Privacy Laws dictate that permission must be obtained from each individual before any medical information can be obtained by another person. 
It is the patients responsibility to contact the Practice for their results


Cowra Medical Associates
165-169 Kendal Street  
Cowra, NSW, 2794
Ph: (02) 6341 1400
Fx: (02) 6341 1410

Please call '000' in the event of an Emergency. 

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